This practice test is based on the new APM Project Management Qualification (APM PMQ) question format, scheduled for release by the APM in September 2024. It is designed for people who may be considering resiting the APM PMQ in the new format or anyone who wants to try out the APM PMQ in the new format. The question types include:
- Multiple Responses: Choose the correct combination of answers from a list.
- Select from List: Fill in missing words or phrases from a passage of text.
- Short Response: Provide a single word, phrase, or sentence.
- Long Response: Write a few sentences or a short paragraph.
As this is a free sample test, the short and long answers are not marked by a tutor. However, this simulator will give you a feel for the types and format of questions in the new APM PMQ.
We've added an experimental AI-powered question simulator. This simulator can generate questions for all the question types and provide feedback based on the APM syllabus and other related training material. We hope you find this set of sample questions helpful. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss how we can support your project management career.